otherwise さもないと Leave at once, otherwise you will miss the train.
on the contrary それどころか I am not against the plan. On the contrary, I am strongly in favor of it.
make fun of ~ ~をからかう You should never make fun of people for their accents.
make sense of ~ ~を理解する 納得する Can you make any sense (out) of what he is saying?
flood ~の洪水 大量の~ More and more people suffer from a flood of information recently.
to the best of my knowledge 私の知るかぎりでは To the best of my knowledge (=As far as I know), he is still unmarried.
encourage 励ます The teacher encouraged the child to study harder.
embarrass (人に)恥ずかしい思いをさせる She was embarrassed to enter a room full of strangers.
equivalent 同等の One mile is equivalent to 1.6 kilometers.
transform ~を変化させる The discovery of hot springs transformed this place from a fishing village to a tourist resort.
otherwise さもないと Leave at once, otherwise you will miss the train.
on the contrary それどころか I am not against the plan. On the contrary, I am strongly in favor of it.
make fun of ~ ~をからかう You should never make fun of people for their accents.
make sense of ~ ~を理解する 納得する Can you make any sense (out) of what he is saying?
flood ~の洪水 大量の~ More and more people suffer from a flood of information recently.
to the best of my knowledge 私の知るかぎりでは To the best of my knowledge (=As far as I know), he is still unmarried.
encourage 励ます The teacher encouraged the child to study harder.
embarrass (人に)恥ずかしい思いをさせる She was embarrassed to enter a room full of strangers.
equivalent 同等の One mile is equivalent to 1.6 kilometers.
transform ~を変化させる The discovery of hot springs transformed this place from a fishing village to a tourist resort.